The Mohair & Possum Store


Outdoor Gear and Clothing Souvenir Shops

Conveniently located in the BP Service Centre off the southern motorway in Papakura, The Mohair & Possum Store offers a wide range of clothing, gifts and other mohair and possum products. The Mohair & Possum Store is a family owned business with a long history in providing quality natural fibre products.

Visitors looking for clothing are well served with the stock of possum and lightweight merino garments, for adults and children, and footwear including sheepskin slippers and boots. The shop can kit people from head to toe with warm beanie hats, snug socks and everything in between.

Anyone who would rather make their own clothes can take their pick from the range of kid mohair yarn made from the fleece of young Angora goats, while the mohair blankets make a warm addition to any bed or sofa.

The well laid out shop makes it easy to find items with each range being given its own eye-catching display. If there is anything visitors cannot find, friendly staff are on hand to locate it or to answer questions about any of the wide range of goods.

The shop also offers a great selection of gifts to take back to friends and family after a holiday, or to give as Christmas or birthday presents.

The shop is open from 9.00am to 5.00pm every day, and there is convenient parking close to the store making it the perfect place to stop off for some retail therapy while heading in to or out of Auckland.

To shop online, please visit

Opening hours:

Monday - 9am–5pm
Tuesday - 9am–5pm
Wednesday - 9am–5pm
Thursday - 9am–5pm
Friday - 9am–5pm
Saturday - 9am–5pm
Sunday - 9am–5pm

Contact Info:

+64 9-296 9366


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The Mohair & Possum Store, BP Motorway Service Centre, Southern Motorway, Papakura, Auckland South

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